How to Grow Microgreens: 10 Expert Tips not only for beginners! 0
How to Grow Microgreens: Expert Tips for Growing Your Green Sanctuary!

How to Grow Microgreens: 10 Expert Tips not only for beginners!


In the realm of booming businesses, microgreens are like the unsung hero quietly making a splash—both in terms of profit and nutrition. Forget what you've heard; getting into the microgreens game doesn't need a fat wallet, a massive field, or a degree in gardening.💰🌾

Is the microgreens business still a cash cow in 2023?

You betcha!💸 And if you're not exactly feeling like a microgreens pro, no worries. We're here to spill the secrets on how to grow these little green wonders and set up your microgreens empire, step by step.

So, are microgreens still money-makers in 2023? Absolutely, and we've got the insider tips to make your microgreens business not just survive but thrive. Get ready to grow with us—let's cultivate success together!🌿🌟


From this article, you'll know:

  • How to start growing microgreens?
  • How to choose seeds for microgreens?
  • What substrates works for growing microgreens?
  • Which seeds needs to be soaked?  
  • What supplies are needed for microgreens?
  • All about Germination
  • How to sow microgreens seeds?
  • Growing & storing micro greens
  • How long takes microgreens to grow?
  • Do microgreens regrow after cutting?
  • How to pack microgreens for sale?
  • Summary


How to start growing microgreens?

Embarking on the journey of growing microgreens is an exciting venture, often accompanied by questions about where to begin. 🌱 The internet can be a maze of information, making it challenging to find a clear answer. To set you on the right path, thorough preparation is key before diving into this green adventure. 

Our comprehensive article:

📚 Microgreens alphabet for microgreeners👨🏻‍🌾- all you need to know when starting your microgreen journey 👈 breaks down essential concepts such as germination and soaking, providing a solid foundation for your microgreen cultivation.


Understanding the basics is key, so we delve into the definition of microgreens, offering a comprehensive insight into sprouts, microgreens and edible flowers.🌸

In our informative material:

📚► An introduction to microgreens: characteristics and distinction👈, we seamlessly present information about the various types of microgreens, their nutritional properties, vibrant colors, and creative ways to incorporate them into meals. This resource is a total must-have before embarking on an adventure with microgreens.

At MP Seeds, we not only offer a diverse range of seeds but also prioritize empowering our community with substantive knowledge. Before you commence your preparation, a quick read through our publications will prove immensely beneficial.


How to choose seeds for microgreens?

Embarking on the journey of cultivating these miniature powerhouses requires a clear goal. Are you envisioning large-scale microgreens cultivation for local markets, or is it for personal use? Your crop diversity hinges on this decision. 🌱

We have divided the microgreens varieties into 4 groups that you can suggest when personalizing your cultivation:


  • Easy Growth

Opt for beginner-friendly seeds.Find the perfect seeds for those just starting their microgreen growing journey in our category Microgreens to start your growing experience

  • Speedy Growth

Designed for quick germination and harvest. Perfect for busy individuals or those seeking fast results, experience the delight of cultivating Kohlrabi Microgreens, or Radish Daikon in just a week. 

  • For the Patient

Be patient with seeds like our range of Nasturtium Seeds, which can take up to 17 days to grow into micro leaves, but are definitely worth the wait.⏳

  • Colourful Array

Delight in the wealth of colors:

-green leaves like Corn Salad,

-red leaves like Radish Red Rambo,

-or yellow leaves like Beet Yellow.

Experience a symphony of hues with a mix of green leaves and pink steams, as seen in Radish Pink.🎨

  • Diverse Flavors:

Experience the wide spectrum of flavors microgreens offer. Find spice in Garlic Microgreens, sweetness in Peas Microgeens, or perhaps something citrus like Coriander Split Microgreens. The choice is yours.🌶️


And if that's not enough for you, and you want your seeds to be of even better quality, stay on trend and cultivate your microgreens organically by choosing seeds from our Organic Microgreens Seed Collection. Discover the importance of selecting certified seeds and learn about the certifications. Our article will give you a great insight into this topic and introduce you with the most important 

📚 The Green Stamp of Quality: Understanding the Advantages of ECO Certified Seeds for Microgreens👈


Once you've chosen your preferred varieties, the next crucial step is selecting the right seed supplier for a robust and high-quality crop. Drawing from our extensive experience at MP Seeds, we've crafted an article:

📚How to choose the best seeds supplier? 10 Reasons Why MP SEEDS?👈

In it, you will learn about the key aspects to consider when choosing a seed supplier. This knowledge will ensure that your microgreens adventure will flourish, producing yields of the highest quality.🚀


What substrate works for growing microgreens?

Once microgreens seeds have been carefully selected, the next key decision is to determine the optimum growing medium for microleaves, microherbs or edible flower.

The choice is vast, with growers usually opting for soil, coconut fibre, coconut mats, soilless mixes, peat moss or various mixtures of these. The variety of options can make choosing your favourite substrate a daunting task. So let's embark on this journey of discovery and find the perfect substrate for microgreens!


Peat Moss🌿

Frequently employed in cultivating vegetables and herbs, peat moss is renowned for its impressive water retention and sterile properties. Despite these advantages, it's important to note that its non-renewable nature makes it less environmentally friendly.



Made from coconut fibre, they are becoming a favourite growing medium for micro-leaves, microherbs and microgreens. Known for their simplicity and cleanliness, they eliminate the need for soil, providing a clutter-free growing base.

Their popularity is growing due to their ease of use and performance, making them an excellent choice for beginners and experienced growers alike. Find out even more tips and interesting facts about CocoMats in the article:

📚►The secret ingredient to successful Microgreens growth👈


Coco Coir💧

A versatile and user-friendly substrate, coco coir stands out for its ease of storage, cleanliness, and moisture retention post-watering. Its loose composition ensures effective drainage, making it an ideal choice for hydroponic microgreens growing systems. Simply soak and use, making it a hassle-free option for cultivating vibrant and healthy microgreens.



Opting for soil as a substrate, especially a mix designed for microleaves, ensures a fertile foundation for robust growth. While it may take longer for crops to flourish compared to some substrates like coconut mats.

Ensure the soil mix is uncontaminated for optimum results.



Cellulose substrates showcase remarkable water-absorbing capabilities, preventing seeds from drying out during the germination phase. Its sterile properties act as a safeguard against plant and soil diseases. However, it's essential to note that despite these advantages, the use of cellulose can be messy, often requiring orders in large quantities.

Remember that whatever substrate you choose, cleanliness is key - make sure it is free of bacteria, other seeds, dirt or disease. This is one of the factors that will ensure you grow a safe and bountiful crops. 


Do you need to soak seeds? 

The question of whether to soak microgreen seeds is a common concern among growers, and the answer isn't as straightforward as it may appear. The primary factor to consider when deciding to soak a seed is its size. Large seeds are soaked, while small ones are not.

Soaking microgreen seeds is a crucial stage in the germination process, providing various advantages that contribute to successful growth.🌿

In our comprehensive article:

📚Soak or not to Soaks seeds before planting?👈

 we delve into the intricacies of soaking seeds, outlining the reasons for soaking, identifying varieties that benefit from soaking, and those that should avoid it.


Why Soak Microgreens Seeds?💦

Soaking microgreens seeds is vital for successful germination and growth. 🌱 Microgreens seeds, especially larger ones like:

  • Sunflower,
  • Lupine,
  • Beet,
  • Nasturtiums,
  • and Pea, store essential nutrients in their endosperms.

Soaking these seeds for 6-10 hours (max 24 hours) kickstarts the release of vital resources, giving them a head start in becoming vibrant microgreens.

In larger, drier seeds, the endosperm is integral. Soaking enhances its release of essential resources, initiating the sprouting process. Hydrating seeds before sowing improves germination rates and overall microgreens growth. This is simple yet effective technique ensures a robust start for healthy and thriving microgreens.🌼


What supplies do I need for microgreens?

Growing microgreens is simple, and having the right little equipment can turn it into a simple success story. In addition to good quality seeds for microgreens, water and appropriate lighting, you need:


  • Growing trays - Select trays according to your preferences—opt for those with drainage holes for efficient water drainage or trays without holes, ideal for hydroponic systems and water conservation. Check out our offerings, such as the dependable 10x20 Growing TrayExtra Strenght Growing Tray
    and many more to perfectly suit your growing requirements.
  • Growing PotsA valuable resource for both novices and experienced growers, our 8x8 Growing Pots or 10x10 Growing Pots are suitable for cultivating any microgreen variety. The Modular MultiPots, on the other hand, is a combination of many individual pots, providing the opportunity to grow different varieties in one place.
  • Growing Substrate -Elevate your microgreens with the ideal growing medium. Consider Coco Coir for its excellent water retention, CocoMat for a natural and biodegradable option, or explore the Cellulose growing medium for its versatility. The choice depends on your cultivation goals and preferences.
  • Fertilizer - Nourish your microgreens with a carefully chosen fertilizer. Opt for a well-balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with essential macro and micronutrients. Follow recommended dilution ratios to provide the nutrients crucial for robust growth.
  • Sprayer - Ensure your microgreens stay hydrated and flourish by keeping a reliable spray bottle on hand. Mist the greens regularly, especially during the germination phase, to maintain optimal moisture levels for successful growth.
  • Harvest Tools - Prepare for a triumphant harvest with the right tools. Keep handy scissors or a knife within reach for a precise and efficient harvesting process. Ensuring your tools are clean and sharp contributes to a clean cut, promoting the overall health of your microgreens.

🌱MP SEEDS is your friendly guide on this epic journey. In our Supplies for Growing Microgreens collection you will find everything you need for growing microgreens, microherbs and sprouts. We'll walk you through every step, from picking the right supplies to pampering your microgreens with love. We'll turn you into a microgreens maestro in no time!🚀


Sowing and Germination

You've mastered seed selection and gathered the essential equipment for growing microgreens. Now, let's explore the art of sowing. Our most crucial tip?🧐 Exercise caution, be patient, and tailor your methods to the specific microgreens varieties you're cultivating.

Remember to avoid too dense sowing. Provide enough space for the seeds, although you may want to sow more densely than with larger plants.🪴

Use the detailed instructions found in the description of each microgreens variety. There you will also find information about germination and blackout times - let the emerging microgreens rest in the dark.

Check progress regularly, adjust tray order, and ensure proper ventilation. Exercise caution with watering to prevent mold growth—too much moisture can lead to this unwelcome occurrence. Check out our comprehensive guide to safeguard your cultivation from this unpleasant phenomenon⬇️

📚►Preventing Mold Growth in Microgreens:Complete Guide with Tips and Tricks👈


Growing Microgreens

Microgreens cultivation reaches its peak in the growth phase. It is a phase that excites professional farmers and microgreen enthusiasts alike. But do all types of microgreens have the same growth time, or are there general rules to predict this magic moment? We are here to offer some quick insights!

Microgreens grow until they reach the stage you desire. A perfect example is Nasturtium Microgreens🌺, a unique variety that can be grown until edible flowers appear, but you can benefit from it already at the leaf stage. The process is explained in detail in our article:

📚►Everything You Need to Know About Growing Nasturtium Microgreens - FAQs Answered!👈

But what about other varieties? Certainly, we can accurately ascertain the growth time and readiness of each variety. Furthermore, the description of each variety provides comprehensive details on every growth phase of the plant.

So, let's address this frequently asked question:


How long takes microgreens to grow?

As we mentioned earlier, it depends, but understanding the growth time of microgreens is essential for successful cultivation. Generally, microgreens can be classified into three groups based on their growth timeline:

  • Fast growers: Harvest point reached in 7 days from seeding.
  • Moderate growers: Ready for harvest around 10 days from seeding.
  • Slower growers: Harvest-ready after about 14 days from seeding.


Here's a detailed look at the growth time for specific varieties:⬇️

Variety: Growing Time:
Basil Red Opal 20-21 days
Nasturtium Empress Of India 14-17 days
Garlic 14-21 days
Broccoli Calabrese 9-10 days
Pea Dunn 7-9 days
Radish Pink 9 days
Buckweheat 8-12 days
Radish Daikon 8 days

As you can see, the growth time of microgreens depends on the variety. So, before you start worrying that something is not working out, carefully check the description of the microgreen seeds and follow all the growing tips. 


Do microgreens grow back after cutting?

The answer is not straightforward. It depends on the variety and the growing conditions. While many growers have attempted to regrow microgreens after cutting, the results have not always met expectations. Due to their structure, cultivation type, and harvesting moment, regrowing microgreens is often challenging. Exceptions exist, but they are rare.

If you wish to delve deeper into this subject, we've crafted an article for your exploration

📚 ►Will microgreens regrow after cutting?👈


How to package microgreens for sale?

Once your microgreens are grown and ready for sale, the next step is crucial. Follow these basic rules to ensure quality and freshness:

  • Transport in Paper Boxes 📦
  • Harvest with Scissors or a Sharp Knife ✂️
  • Avoid Watering Microgreens 12 Hours Before Harvesting
  • Avoid Watering Microgreens from Above 🐳

Of course, these are just the basics in preparing microgreens for sale. However, we won't leave you without detailed information. We've prepared a comprehensive compendium of knowledge

📚Preparing Microgreens for Professional Sale🛒: Tips and Tricks for Small Business Owners👈

Follow it for in-depth tips and tricks on how to prepare microgreens for storage.🌱 



In conclusion, our article emphasizes the absence of a one-size-fits-all approach to growing microgreens. We advocate for a methodical approach, encouraging readers to test, exercise caution, and thoroughly review articles and seed descriptions. At MP Seeds, we stand as a reliable partner, ready to share our proven tips and advice. Join us on your microgreens journey and cultivate success together. Grow With Us!🌱 


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