Growing Cilantro Coriander Microgreens with Split Seeds: Two-for-One-Deal😎
Microgreens are a great revelation for nowadays restaurants chefs and dietologists, and for good reason. These tiny little plants pack a powerful punch of flavor and nutrition, and they look darn cute too. And when it comes to microgreens, coriander seeds are a must-have for any urban farmer looking to add some spice to their crop. Today we will talk about Cilantro, Coriander, Split variety.
We will skip the Introduction to microgreens and their popularity. If you are here you know that soon they will run the world (like girls)! But in this short article will go over:
- How are coriander seeds builded?
- Explanation of coriander split seeds and their unique design
- How to grow coriander microgreens with split seeds
- The benefits and usage of coriander microgreens
- Conclusion and encouragement to try growing coriander microgreens with split seeds.
Hey, ho coriander GO!
How are coriander seeds builded?
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Split seeds? 🤔What's the deal with that?" Well, my friend, let me tell you. Normal/standard cilantro-coriander microgreens seed is builded from two halves. Each half contains one embryo inside, which means that each half will grow into its own individual plant🌿. It's like nature's version of a two-for-one deal. But seeding them is like a russian roulette: will both of the seed germinate? Will energy of the seed will be divided equally? Will I seed them not too close to each other? Don't worry. We have got you covered with the Cilantro Split variety.
Coriander Cilantro split microgreens seeds ⬇️
Explanation of Cilantro, Coriander split seeds and their unique design
The genius of split seeds lies in their perfectly designed (by nature of course) halves. In the coriander split which you find in MP Seeds each seed is already divided which gives one germ in each half of the seed. This division provides to:
- higher germination ratio📈,
- more precise seeding📍,
- easier seeding👍,
- better usage of seeds🪴🪴.
In professional farming, split variety is used mainly due to its advantages. So, let’s jump into the topic of how to grow it.
How to grow coriander microgreens with split seeds
- First, plant the cilantro split seeds in the tray on your desired growing medium.
- Remember! Small seeds do not need soaking! Soaking may only provide mold or destroy the seeds itself. No soaking is required before seeding, making this process even easier.
- Next, ensure that the seeds are kept moist and in a warm location for optimal germination, and let them rest.
- In just 5-6 days, you should see the seeds sprout and begin to grow.
- After about 14 days, you'll be ready to harvest✂️ the delicious cilantro microgreens.
- PRO TIP 1: It's recommended to grow coriander microgreens until their true leaves appear, which typically happens around day 10-14.
- PRO TIP 2: Cilantro, Coriander seeds probably will stay on the plant partially- we love it, because it gives it extra zign to the dishes. If you want to get rid of them you have some options: or remove the seeds manually, or wait some time for them to fall down or spray them from the bottom. Third tip is risky because too much water may destroy the shape of the plant or provide mold.
Grown up Coriander Cilantro-split microgreens variety ⬇️
Overall, cultivating cilantro microgreens is a process that can yield delicious and nutritious results in just a few short weeks. So why not give it a try and enjoy the fresh, zesty flavor of cilantro in your cooking? We love it, but we know that opinions about Cilantro may be different.
The benefits and usage of coriander microgreens
And if you're still not sold on the idea of split seeds, consider this. Coriander microgreens are a flavor powerhouse, with a zesty, citrusy taste that pairs perfectly with everything from Mexican dishes to Asian stir-fries. Plus, they're full of health🙂 advantages like:
- antioxidants,
- vitamins like: A, C, and K,
- potassium and calcium,
- some reaserch say that it is good for thyroid
- antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties!
Coriander microgreens are a versatile and nutritious addition to any meal or recipe. Take a look on examples of usage:
- add to salads for a zesty, fresh flavor,
- topping for soups or stews with,
- use as a garnish for Mexican🌮 or Asian🍜 dishes (or any other dishes if you like),
- blend into pesto or chimichurri for added freshness,
- add to smoothies for added nutrition and flavor.
Conclusion and encouragement to try growing coriander microgreens with split seeds.
So there you have it, folks. Coriander split seeds are the way to go if you want to add some flavor and nutrition to your microgreens collection, no matter if you are a professional grower or you are growing for fun. And with their perfectly designed halves, you'll get twice the plants for the same amount of seeds. It's a win-win situation.
Happy farming!