MP Seeds Microgreens Seeds
Common Problems and Expert Solutions in Microgreens Cultivation 0
Common Problems and Expert Solutions in Microgreens Cultivation

Common Problems🧐and Expert Solutions🧑‍🌾 in Microgreens Cultivation

Engaging in the cultivation of microgreens or sprouts can be a highly rewarding endeavor, offering the potential for abundant harvests and the opportunity to establish a business with modest financial investment.🌱

Like any plant cultivation, growing microgreens poses challenges such as mold, slow growth, poor germination, and yellowing. This article aims to guide you with practical solutions, outlining causes and prevention from seed to harvest. From this article, you will learn:

  • How to get good seeds and avoid bad ones?
  • Why is germination taking so long?
  • Why do microgreens get mold?
  • Why are my microgreens turning yellow?
  • Why do my microgreens smell bad?
  • Why do my Microgreens grow unevenly?
  • Conclusion 



How to get good seeds and avoid bad ones?

Encountering initial challenges in microgreens cultivation often happens during the seed selection and supplier stage. Prior to making a seed purchase, it's crucial to ascertain their reliability by ensuring they come from a trustworthy source. Moreover, you should:

  • confirm that the seeds have undergone testing,
  • ensure they are disease-free,
  • verify the possession of necessary certificates.

These measures will give you confidence in establishing a robust and entirely healthy foundation for your crop.🧑‍🌾

And if you're wondering where to find such reliable seeds, MP SEEDS has got you covered! We have a helpful guide to pick the right supplier for quality seeds.

 📚►How to choose the best seeds supplier? 10 Reasons Why MP SEEDS?👈


Remember, healthy seeds form the cornerstone of a thriving cultivation.


Why is germination taking so long?

Many farmers face this issue, and there could be various reasons behind it. The key is to observe your plants, experiment, and figure out what works best for you. Slow germination can result from different factors, with common ones including:

  • 🌚Short Blackout Period: Some varieties don't need light to sprout and do better in the dark. You can cover your trays with a second tray during this stage, and no special equipment is required.
  • 🌞Insufficient Light: After the blackout period, plants need the right amount of light to keep growing. If sunlight is lacking, use special lamps to provide the necessary light.
  • 🌱Overcrowded Seeds: Too many seeds in the growing tray can also slow down germination. When planting microgreens, ensure seeds have enough space and proper air circulation.


At MP SEEDS, we're committed to assisting you in the germination process. In the description of each microgreens seed variety, you'll find detailed information on blackout time and the recommended number of seeds per tray. This information can help you avoid common mistakes during cultivation.


Why do microgreens get mold?

Mold on microgreens is the small white growth seen on trays, be careful not to mistake it for seed roots. Several reasons can lead to this issue; the most common ones are:

🌧️High Humidity: Avoid overwatering and ensure proper airflow.

⌛Old Seeds: Aging seeds diminish germination power, leading to partial rot.

🦠Dirty or Contaminated Seeds: Contaminated seeds with diseases or dirt increase the risk of mold, spreading to other seeds.

🏚️Poorly Stored Seeds: Improper storage affects germination; larger seeds like peas are more forgiving, while delicate small seeds need storage below 10 degrees Celsius.

✂️Dirty or Contaminated Supplies: Contaminated cultivation supplies, especially trays, can transfer dirt and bacteria to seeds, risking microgreens growth.


How to prevent mold?

To prevent mold, it's crucial to establish suitable conditions for your cultivation. Take care not only of the environment and seeds, but also of your equipment.

  • Clean and disinfect your growing trays🧽🚿- this will help you eliminate all dirt and bacteria. For precise instructions on tray cleaning, refer to our step-by-step guide designed to effectively eliminate bacteria.
  • Opt for bottom watering💧- it keeps stems dry, ensuring roots absorb the necessary moisture for healthy growth without the risk of mold.
  • Check the growing substrate - Choose professional, cleaned, and sterilized substrates. Based on our experience, we confidently recommend trying CocoMats or Coco Coir Growing Medium.
  • Maintain optimal germination temperatures🌡️- Try rearranging trays during germination to prevent overheating and ensure proper ventilation. Avoid exposing sprouts to direct sunlight during the darkening phase.

If you are still struggling with mold in your crop and need more information, we have prepared detailed tips on how to avoid it in our article.

📚Preventing Mold Growth in Microgreens: Complete Guide with Tips and Tricks👈


Why are my microgreens turning yellow?

Answering this question is challenging because various factors can lead to the yellowing of your microgreens, and it significantly depends on the seed variety. It could be due to an imbalance in light exposure—either too much or too little.🌞 The same applies to water; overwatering or insufficient water💦 may be the cause.

To address this, we suggest delving into the details of each microgreens variety and understanding their specific growth requirements. Observing, testing, and experimenting with your crop are also essential steps.


Why do my microgreens smell bad?

The unpleasant smell of microgreens can indicate the presence of mold.🫢One element in preventing unpleasant odors and, therefore, mold in microgreens growing is cleanliness, especially when it comes to growing trays. Clean trays are not just a recommendation; they are the fundamental basis for successfully growing microgreens. If you're unsure about the intricacies of cleaning your trays to ensure not only cleanliness but also effective disinfection, don't worry! We have a comprehensive step-by-step guide to tray cleaning for you.


📚►How to Clean a Growing Tray? Quick Tips for Washing and Disinfecting Trays.👈


Keeping the growing trays and all accessories clean is fundamental to growing. In addition, take care to maintain adequate hydration levels, ensure your microgreens get enough light and optimise the temperature for their growth. By following these basic practices and following our detailed guide, you'll not only eliminate odours but also grow healthier and thriving plants. 🌱🌞💚


Why do my microgreens grow unevenly?

Uneven growth is a common challenge for many farmers.🧑‍🌾 If you notice that some seeds in your growing tray have sprouted while others haven't, it may be due to unevenly distributed seeds. These small seeds compete for space, light, and water, so aim to sow them evenly in the tray, allowing each to develop freely. Similarly, ensure equal access to light for each seed by arranging your crops to receive the same amount of sunlight☀️, enabling them to draw energy⚡️ for consistent growth.


Why are my microgreens wilting?

If the microgreens are wilting, this means insufficient water.💦 Be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to mold. How should you water them to prevent wilting and mold? We recommend watering from the bottom! What does this mean? Here is a recipe for success:

  1. Get two growing trays. One with holes and one without.
  2. Place seeds and substrate in the tray with holes.
  3. Set the trays together. The one with holes goes into the one without holes.
  4. Fill the tray without holes with water. This helps the roots get enough moisture.
  5. Benefit: Stems and leaves stay dry, preventing mold and ensuring healthy growth.


At Mp SEEDS, we have made sure that your farm is fully stocked, so you will find growing trays with and without holes. If you are unsure which tray is best for your plants, take a look at our guide to all trays to make the right choice for your plants.

📚►Top Trays for Microgreens : Your Guide to Growing Trays and Pots, FAQs, and Choosing the Best!👈



In conclusion, cultivating microgreens or sprouts can be a fulfilling venture, offering the potential for a bountiful harvest and a low-cost entry into a business opportunity.🌱💰 However, challenges such as mold, slow germination, yellowing, uneven growth, and wilting can arise. To address these issues effectively, it is essential to focus on key factors from the seed selection stage to the final harvest.

Ensuring the quality of your crops by:

  • choosing a reliable supplier,
  • understanding the germination process,
  • preventing mold through proper hygiene and bottom watering,
  • addressing yellowing by balancing light and water, and
  • distributing seeds evenly.

All those factors are vital aspects of successful microgreens cultivation.🌿💧

By following these expert solutions and practical guidance, you can navigate common problems in microgreens cultivation and enjoy a thriving and healthy harvest. Remember, attention to detail, experimentation, and continuous observation of your crops are the keys to a successful microgreens cultivation journey.


Happy growing!🌱 

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