MP Seeds Microgreens Seeds

Welcome to our Nasturtium Microgreens and Edible Flowers Varieties section! 

Here, we offer a carefully selected range of nasturtium varieties that encompass everything from vibrant edible leaves to captivating edible flowers in an array of colors. If you're an urban farmer or a passionate gardener, growing nasturtium in your own space can be challenging, yet a rewarding and visually stunning experience.

Experience the Beauty and Flavor of Nasturtium in Your Urban Farm. Nasturtium microgreens, also called as nasturtium shoots or edible leaves, are the tender young plants that emerge from nasturtium seeds.

These microgreens possess a delightful combination of peppery and slightly sweet flavors, making them a versatile ingredient in various culinary creations. Professional chefs and restaurants are often enchanted by the beautiful and vibrant nasturtium edible flowers, using them as garnishes or accents in their dishes. Do you have enough patience to grow them?

Nasturtium seeds

Nasturtium, King Theo Microgreens Seeds

Nasturtium, King Theo Microgreens Seeds
Nasturtium, King Theo Microgreens Seeds

Tropaeolum majus nanum, King Theo

Availability: expected delivery



Nasturtium, Empress Of India - Dark Selection

Nasturtium, Empress Of India - Dark Selection
Nasturtium, Empress Of India - Dark Selection

Tropaeolum majus nanum, Empress of India

Availability: available



Nasturtium, Tom Thumb Alaska

Nasturtium, Tom Thumb Alaska
Nasturtium, Tom Thumb Alaska

Tropaeolum majus nanum, Tom Thumb Alaska mixed

Availability: available



Nasturtium, Tom Thumb Microgreens Seeds

Nasturtium, Tom Thumb Microgreens Seeds
Nasturtium, Tom Thumb Microgreens Seeds

Tropaeolum majus nanum, Tom Thumb mixed

Availability: available



Why is it worth to Cultivate Nasturtium shoots?

A Feast for the Eyes and the Palate Aside from their aesthetic appeal, growing nasturtium in your urban farm can provide several advantages. 


  • Firstly, nasturtium is a visually striking plant, adding a touch of elegance and beauty to any garden or farm. 
  • Secondly, as mentioned earlier, nasturtium edible flowers are highly sought after by chefs and food enthusiasts alike, enhancing the presentation and flavor of dishes. 
  • Furthermore, nasturtium leaves and microgreens offer a range of health benefits, including being a great source of vitamin C, antioxidants, and natural antibiotic properties.


Tips for Growing Nasturtium greens

A Visual Delight and Culinary Delicacy To grow your own nasturtium, start by preparing the seeds.

  •  Soaking the nasturtium seeds for approximately six hours prior to planting helps soften the hard coat and encourage germination. 
  • Once the seeds are prepared, the germination period typically lasts around 7 days. 
  • You may grow nasturtium sprouts, but they are not desired and easy to cultivate. We do not recommend growing nasturtium sprouts professionally because we found it difficult and not profitable. 
  • After germination, nasturtium sprouts will begin to emerge within 7-10 days. While the wait might seem lengthy, the resulting harvest of vibrant and flavorful microgreens is definitely worth it!
  • One important aspect to keep in mind while growing nasturtium seeds has susceptibility to mold. Why? It comes from the seed structure. Nasturtium seeds have a porous nature, making them prone to mold growth. To prevent this, ensure that your watering is moderate and avoid excessive moisture. Covering the seeds with a layer of soil can also provide protection against mold and help maintain optimal growing conditions.
  • What's remarkable about growing nasturtium microgreens is their adaptability to cooler temperatures. By lowering the temperature, you can cultivate nasturtium greens at a slower pace without concerns about mold. It's an excellent way to savor the bounty of your efforts while enjoying the process of cultivation.
  • Nasturtium is a good choice for this ones which has first steps with growing micro greens done.
  • We wish you a happy growing!


Nasturtium micro greens varieties available in MP SEEDS

So, you've read our guide on how to grow nasturtiums, and now you're ready to pick out your seeds. But which variety should you choose? Fear not, we're here to help!

At our MP SEEDS online shop, we offer a delightful selection of nasturtium seed varieties to suit your preferences and garden aesthetics.

Let's take a closer look at what we have available:

  • Empress of India Nasturtium: This variety reigns supreme with its deep red shaded flowers. It's our best seller, and for good reason! It exudes a fierce and captivating beauty that will add a touch of royalty to your garden and urban farm.
  • Next, we have Tom Thumb Nasturtium: This variety brings a playful charm to your garden with its yellow and orange shaded flowers. It's full of fun and energy, making it a vibrant addition as garnish to any dish.
  • Nasturtium King Theodore, which has red with orange shade edible flowers, and medium dark green leaves. 
  • And last but not least, we have Tom Thumb Alaska: With its cute little dots on the leaves, this variety stands out as a unique and adorable choice. It adds a touch of whimsy and character to your garden space.

Of course, you could always order all and embark on a delightful journey of exploration to see which variety you prefer. We won't judge - we're just thrilled to offer you the best selection of nasturtium seeds for your microgreens and edible flowers endeavors.

So, there you have it - our varieties of nasturtium seeds. Choose wisely, my friends, and let your garden be a reflection of your personal taste and style. Happy growing!


Discover the Health Benefits for Nasturtium 

Nasturtium shoots and edible flowers not only add visual appeal to your dishes but also offer numerous health benefits. 

These vibrant greens are packed with essential nutrients, making them a valuable addition to a nutritious diet. 

  • Nasturtium edible leaves and flowers are an excellent source of vitamin C, known for its immune-boosting properties. 
  • They also contain antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and protect the body against damage from free radicals. 
  • Additionally, nasturtium greens exhibits natural antibiotic properties, supporting the body's defense against harmful bacteria. 

Including nasturtium in your meals can contribute to overall wellness and vitality, while adding a delightful burst of flavor to your culinary creations.


Nasturtium: The Perfect Addition to Your Culinary and Gardening Adventures 

Nasturtium seeds offer not only transformation to edible leaves but also delightful edible flowers. The leaves have a peppery taste, while the flowers add a visually appealing and flavorful element to dishes. 

Use nasturtium flowers as a

  • beautiful garnish,
  • floating atop salads,
  • soups,
  • or desserts (especially edible flowers).

Their vibrant colors and slightly spicy flavor make them a captivating addition to any culinary creation, but it is mostly used in the premium restaurants. Explore the versatility of both nasturtium's edible leaves and flowers to enhance your dishes with their unique tastes and stunning aesthetics.

Whether you're a professional gardener or an enthusiastic beginner, our Nasturtium Microgreens and Edible Flowers Varieties section provides you with the opportunity to create a stunning garden that delights the senses and satisfies your culinary aspirations. Explore the range of varieties available and let the beauty and flavor of nasturtium enhance your urban farming experience!


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