MP Seeds Microgreens Seeds

Edible Flowers: A Palette of Culinary Delights 

Edible Flowers Available at MP Seeds At MP Seeds, we curate a bouquet of both common and extraordinary edible flowers to enrich your culinary experiences. Our selection includes classics such as Nasturtium, Tagette, or Borage, which you can find in our online store.

While our range may not be extensive, each seed in our collection has been thoughtfully selected for its exceptional quality, ensuring they yield blooms that are safe for human consumption and suitable for animals.

What Are Edible Flowers? ❃

Edible flowers are a delightful blend of beauty and taste. Once treasured mainly for their looks, these blooms are now cherished for their incredible flavors and textures.

Imagine these flowers bringing a playful charm to your meals, whether in salads, desserts, cocktails, or main courses. Every petal and bud brings a distinct flavor, infusing your dishes with delightful scents and vibrant colors.

Edible Flowers

How to cultivate Edible Blooms →

When you're growing edible flowers to sell, it's not just about farming – you're enhancing the culinary market. These flowers don't appear immediately, though. You go through normall proces of growing microgreens, or even plants and after some time the flowers will appear. If you already know that you want to grow edible flowers do not soak too thick, because seeds will be too close.

You'll need to be patient after the initial leaves show up. But believe us, the wait is absolutely worth it.

Edible flowers bring distinct flavors to dishes. They're like a natural ingredient that you can offer to buyers. Explore the variety of edible flowers available at the MP Seeds Online Shop. Transform your farm into a colorful supplier for culinary creativity.

Identifying Edible Flowers and Ensuring Safety:

While exploring the world of edible flowers is exciting, it's important to be careful. If you're not sure if a flower is safe to eat, it's better to be cautious and not try it. This simple rule helps you stay safe. Also, if you're allergic to pollen, it's a good idea to avoid eating edible flowers to avoid any negative reactions.

Here are a few important things to remember:

  • Don't pick flowers near roads or paths animals use, as they might have pollution or dirt.

  • Don't use pesticides on your flowers. Instead, trim affected parts and let the plant grow back.

  • Choose fresh, healthy flowers that are colorful and clean.

  • Always check if the variety you want to eat is edible. 


Which varieties are edible?

A Quick Guide Explore the delights of edible flowers you might already cultivate or plan to sow in your garden, alongside a list of blooms to steer clear of due to their toxicity.

Edible Flowers:

  • NasturtiumIn our shop, we offer a selection of Nasturtium varieties that come in different colors for both the leaves and flowers: Empress of India, Tom Thumb, Alaska, or King Theo. These variations provide an array of visual appeal.

    As for the Nasturtium's flavor, it's pleasantly peppery, much like watercress. This makes them an excellent choice for enhancing the taste of salads. The distinct peppery note they bring adds a unique zing to your dishes.

  • Tagette (Marigold) - Both the flowers and leaves have a citrusy flavor, making them a great choice for enhancing salads, sandwiches, seafood dishes, or even hot desserts. Keep in mind that marigolds can be harmful if consumed in large quantities. It's best to enjoy them occasionally and in moderate amounts. Tagette seeds are available in MP SEEDS shop. 
  • Borage - You can blend the flowers into veggie and fruit salads, use them as soup garnish, or add a floral touch to desserts. They're also fantastic frozen in ice cubes and placed in iced tea. The petals taste like cucumber, while the stamens offer a hint of sweetness. If you're pregnant or nursing, it's best to skip borage flowers, as consuming more than eight to ten flowers can lead to increased milk production. They can also work as a diuretic, so be mindful not to eat too many. Borage seeds are available in MP SEEDS shop. 
  • Sunflower - Every part – the buds, petals, and seeds – is safe to eat. Toss the petals into a green salad for a pop of color and a gentle nutty flavor. Try blanching the green buds and then coating them with garlic butter – they taste somewhat like Jerusalem artichokes. You can also enjoy the kernels within the seeds, either raw or toasted, for a tasty snack. Sunflower seeds available in MP SEEDS shop. 
  • PeaThe flowers offer a mild sweetness and an unexpected flavor reminiscent of young peas. They make a delightful addition to salads, adding a unique touch. You can also use candied pea flowers to garnish fish dishes or cakes, adding a touch of elegance.

    Moreover, both the shoots and vine tendrils of peas are edible and share the same delicate, pea-like taste. IMPORTANT: It's important to note that only the flowers of vegetable peas are safe to eat, not the flowers of sweet peas, which are toxic. Many pea (vegetable seeds varieties) are available in MP SEEDS shop. 

  • Jasmine
  • Hibiscus
  • Rose


Which flowers are not edible? ✕

Avoiding toxic flowers is crucial because consuming them can lead to serious health issues. Toxic flowers contain harmful substances that can cause various adverse effects on the body, ranging from mild discomfort to severe poisoning. Ingesting toxic flowers can lead to symptoms like:

  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • stomach cramps,
  • dizziness,
  • and even more severe reactions depending on the specific toxins present in the flower.

Toxic flowers can pose a significant danger, especially if ingested in larger quantities. In extreme cases, they can even be life-threatening. It's essential to be aware of the potential risks and exercise caution when identifying and consuming flowers. Always prioritize safety by sticking to edible flowers that are known to be safe for consumption. All seeds from our shop are safe for human and animal consumption. 

Toxic Flowers to Avoid:

  • Daffodil (lycorine toxin)
  • Poppy (all varieties)
  • Foxglove (heart-affecting poisons)
  • Oleander (highly toxic)
  • Clematis (skin and oral irritation)
  • Bluebell (contains toxic glycosides)
  • Rhododendron (affects heart rhythm and blood pressure)
  • Larkspur (fast-acting toxic alkaloids)
  • Hydrangea (contains cyanide)
  • Lily-of-the-Valley (convallatoxin content)


Why is worth try growing edible flowers?

These small, delicate plants are not only beautiful to look at, but they're also packed with flavor. From sweet and floral to spicy and savory, edible flowers can be used in a variety of dishes.

And best of all, they're quite easy to grow. Many types of flower can be eaten, so you can let your imagination run wild when it comes to choosing varieties.

Once you've got your edible flowers planted, simply snip them off as needed and enjoy them in salads, soups, sandwiches, or even on their own as a tasty treat.

Amaranth, Red Microgreens Seeds
Amaranth, Red Microgreens Seeds


Regular price: €9.00

Lowest price: €6.30
Cress Microgreens Seeds
Cress Microgreens Seeds


Low Growing Pots - 10x12cm
Low Growing Pots - 10x12cm


Pea, Foxy Microgreens seeds
Pea, Foxy Microgreens seeds


Pea, Jumbo Microgreens Seeds
Pea, Jumbo Microgreens Seeds


Pea, Salad Microgreens seeds
Pea, Salad Microgreens seeds


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